Order Picking System

Order Picking


Order Picking System speeds up picking processes in the warehouse.

Order Picking System
Order Picking System

Fast and efficient order picking

Order Picking System speeds up picking processes in the warehouse.
Order Picking System
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Order Picking System

Precise and quick order preparation


OPS enables digital order dispatching, reduces picking times, and guarantees a more efficient travel through the distribution center. With this order picking system, you can achieve a faster pallet assembly and make the best use of space within the transportation unit. In addition, it executes receipt, assortment, and arrangement tasks with high precision, through the use of mobile devices.

Order Picking System

Improve the performance of your operation with OPS

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Increase the productivity of your warehouse with OPS by executing fulfillment tasks with mobile devices and speeding up the assignment and execution of tasks.



Reduce picking errors by marking each location visited by the operator with verifying codes to validate that the picked products are correct. In addition, OPS audits all products with high visibility.



With OPS, control your picking operations by visualizing the exact tasks your operators are performing. You can also track the production progress during each shift.



Implement Mobile Picking so that your operators can start the assortment in less than 1 hour, thanks to the system's intuitive and easy-to-adopt interface.

Picking accuracy
Increase in productivity
Less audits
Decrease in consumables

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Some of our clients

Bepensa - Femsa
Lala - Michoacana


Can I integrate OPS into any system?

Yes, OPS can easily be integrated with any system that can send order and route information, such as an ERP, WMS, etc.

Must my warehouse locations be identified to operate with OPS?

OPS does not require having named locations in the warehouse, as it maps products to a single virtual location. Mobile Picking can also execute the assortment with no more than the description/item number.

Which operating system works with Mobile Picking?

Mobile Picking is compatible with Android devices.

Can Mobile Picking work without a Wi-Fi network in the distribution center?

No, the system can be connected through a telephone operator.


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