Blue Yonder Support


Avoid disruptions in your operation with our immediate response

Soporte de Blue Yonder

Blue Yonder Support

Avoid disruptions in your operation with our immediate response
Soporte de Blue Yonder
textura de puntos
Analistas de alto nivel

High-level analysts


In case of an unforeseen event, the support team uses their knowledge and experience to provide an effective response. The team is made up of Blue Yonder Certified Analysts who know the system inside out, so they are able to troubleshoot root causes to prevent future unforeseen events and create workaround solutions to keep the system up and running.

Analistas de alto nivel
  • We prevent errors from having serious consequences
  • We provide attention without wait time, 24/7, 365 days a year
  • We offer immediate solutions, either root or workaround
  • We ensure the well-being of your processes and their components
  • We guarantee a careful analysis of your systems
Mejora de trabajo

We've got you covered, 24/7

Contacto con consultores expertos, ningún principiante

Contact with expert consultants

English and Spanish consultants

English and Spanish consultants

Atención personalizada en todo momento

Personalized attention at all times

Tiempo de respuesta máximo de 15 minutos

Maximum response time of 15 minutes

Tiempo de atención máximo de 20 minutos

Maximum attention time of 20 minutes

textura de puntos
Todo para una operación eficaz

 Everything you need for an efficient operation

  • Reduce losses due to system failures
  • Avoid external consultancy costs
  • Prevent incidents from having significant consequences
  • Guarantees that all the processes of your supply chain are executed
  • Ensures that your operation is carried out smoothly
  • Support operators in their learning curve
textura de puntos
Todo para una operación eficaz

How does Blue Yonder Support work?

ProcessContacting support

If there is a failure in the system, you can report it to our service desk: the ticket is registered and assigned to one of our experts, who develops a root or workaround solution to restore the service as soon as possible.

Contact our experts via our support portal, a direct call or an email. If you have a problem that is interrupting high priority processes, our team will make a consulting call and begin working on the solution. Depending on the error, they can carry out a more extensive consultation and visit your facilities.



Contact the support team to get a first response and attend to failures


Solution specialist

If it is a complex problem, we turn to the specialists of the software in question



Finally, we turn to the developers of the technology to fix the flaw at its source